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The Acceleware team talks about innovation, technology and a cleaner future for oil sands and heavy oil production

Over A Barrel - A CHOA Podcast - June 26, 2020 Calgary is one of the most innovative cities in the world when it comes to energy. Today's show revolves around technology, innovation, and a cleaner future.

Join Louisa DeCarlo as she discusses some new and innovative technology with the Acceleware team, Geoff Clark, CEO, Dr. Michal Okoniewski, Chief Scientific Officer and Co-Founder, and VP of Engineering, Laura McIntyre. Their radio frequency technology (RF XL) is a clean-tech development which could dramatically transform heavy oil and oil sands production. Listen to "The Acceleware team talks about innovation, technology and a cleaner future for oil sands and heavy oil production" on Spreaker.

To keep global warming to no more than 1.5°C, emissions must be reduced by 45% by 2030. 
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